Friday, January 28, 2011

some speeches so far

STATE of the Union

TED Speech

What represents you?

What item did you choose to represent you?

Or What place did you choose to represent you?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union


State of the Union extra credit!

Pick a portion of the State of the Union - an issue, an example, etc. Write about the example, and say whether it was effective or not.

Rule: if more than two people have commented on the issue, you have to pick a new issue.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Your thoughts on the Arizona Shooting Speeches

So in class we watched President Obama's speech about the tragedy, and part of Sarah Palin's speech (you can watch the last two minutes on your own). I also assigned the link about some of the political rhetoric in Palin's speech.

Write about 200-250 words comparing the two speeches - talk about the style of the two speakers, their substance, and their delivery. Talk about how you felt as an audience member. Think about what we talked about in class as far as speaker credibility... Pick out some specific details in the speeches to talk about!!

You can post your comments underneath this post in the comments section. You may have to register with blogger.

Here are the links:
Obama's speech:

Palin's speech:

New York Times blog post on Palin's speech:

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Class Blog

Hi! Welcome to Comm 204!

This is our class blog. This will be a place to do everything from see speeches posted in class to hand in topic assignments to discuss topics we cover in class.

You can comment by using the comment function. Don't just read your own comments, read the comments of your classmates. Welcome to the class!